Irva Virtual Airlines
Pilot's Handbook

Pilot's Handbook

Some of most important informations that pilot needs to know are listed below.

1: Please set the "Unlimited Fuel" or any related options checkbox as OFF in your flight simulator, because it will cause "Refulling" error on your final flight report that leads your flight rejection.

2: Be aware, even if you set "Crash Detect" as OFF in your flight simulator, some abnormal things will detect in the client flight report. For example if you fell into a river during taxi, client will find it out and that leads your flight rejection. We, do not say to ON your Crash Detector but at the same time we expect you Not to do such abnormal things during your flight.

3: Be informed, even if you turn off detection of some abnormal things in your flight simulator such using Slew or Refuelling or Time Booster or other such options, the client will find it out and it will lead to your flight rejection.

New Hire Pilot

New hire to IRVA Virtual Airlines

Step 1 : To start your flights, first download the client and its manual.

Step 2 : Install the client on your PC.

Step 3 : Reserve a flight from "Operations" and "Book route" inside the "Profile" Menu.

Step 4 : Load the booked flight in your client and do your flight in your flight simulator. At the end of the flight, send your flight report to the website. It's all explained in the "Client Manual".

Help with Client : Visit the following link if you have any problem with your client.

[Client Website]

Help with Add-Ons : To establish your connection between Client and Flight Simulator, you may also need some add-ons like XPUIPC for X-Plane or FSUIPC for the other flight simulator types such as FSX or P3D. To find such add-ons you can visit the following link or search for it on google.

[Required Add-Ons Website]

Tip 1 : you can Repair or Sell your aircrafts from "Operations" and "Hangar" inside the "Profile" Menu.

Tip 2 : you can Buy other aircrafts from "Operations" and "Purchase Airplane" inside the "Profile" Menu.

Tip 3 : You can collect your Passengers and Fuel at any time by click on their "Collect" button at the end of this page near to you Airport Map.

Tip 4 : You can Upgrade the "Terminal" and "Fuel Tank" buildings to get more of their products per one hour. To do so click on theme in your Airport Map and follow their requirements to upgrade.

Tip 5 : You need enough fuel for any flights. But passengers is not required for doing flights, it's just make you more money from flight.

Tip 6 : To inform about our Terms and Conditions for flights or more, please visit their pages from "About Us" inside the "Home" Menu.

Tip 7 : As you get higher levels you can do Bonus Flights on the first page of the website.

Tip 8 : You can buy your favorite airline liveries for your aircrafts from Hangar.

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Irva Virtual airlines
Rebuilt 2022 (Authorship 2010)

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